Responsible pet ownership starts with the understanding that owning a pet is a privilege, and that privilege comes with responsibility. Community Animal Services and the City of Lethbridge believe there are three pillars to pet ownership: Registration, Care, and Control. All pet owners have a responsibility to ensure the good welfare of the animals, and that they contribute to a safe and healthy community.

 Learn more about animal care, control, and registration......

Care for your pets

The Animal Protection Act of Alberta and the Criminal Code of Canada require that owners provide reasonable care, and ensure their pets are free from distress. The following care must be provided;

Pet owners should always be prepared to provide their animals with proper food, shelter from the elements and veterinarian care. Before taking on an animal, consider the costs and time commitment pet ownership requires, as well, do research on the specific care requirements of the type and breed you are interested in.

Learn more about protecting pets from the cold.

Learn about protecting pets in hot weather. 

For concerns of animal welfare, please call the Alberta SPCA at 1-800-455-9003


Parvovirus, distemper, rabies virus, heartworm, and many other illnesses are present in the environment and can be spread between pets, wildlife, and even people. The best way to protect the health of all pets in our communities is by vaccinating your cats and dogs. Speak with your veterinarian to determine the best vaccination options for your pets, or learn more here.

Spay and neuter:

Spaying and neutering your cats and dogs helps to keep them happy and healthy and decreases the overpopulation of unwanted pets. Learn more from the ABVMA.

Control of your pets

Pet owners must ensure their animals are not a threat or nuisance to the public, which includes the following requirements;

View the Dog Control Bylaw 5235 for the City of Lethbridge. 

Best practices:

To ensure your pets do not create a nuisance or threat in your neighborhood, monitor your dogs outside time when on your property, this will reduce incidents of excessive barking, or a chance to escape the yard unnoticed. Take the time; weekly is recommended, to clean up and dispose of dog feces accumulating in your yard. This will prevent the spread of disease and eliminate any odors becoming a nuisance. A helpful tip is to use empty dog food bags to collect the feces and then dispose of in your black bin for collection. 

Dog owners can be proactive in preventing a nuisance or dangerous pet with some of these tips;

Control of cats:

Cat owners should prevent their pets from wandering the community. Unsupervised cats can easily create a nuisance to neighbors by defecating in gardens and yards, urinating on lawn furniture and other fixtures, harassing and killing small wildlife, and spreading disease to other pets.

Registration (pet licensing)

1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime, ID gets them home.

Pet registration is the foundation of responsible pet ownership and befits all pet owners as a whole. A cat or dog license provides legal proof of ownership and allows the animal services team to quickly reunite lost animals with their owners. Annual licensing fees help support animal shelter programs and services like education campaigns, animal care, and adoptions.

Initial pet registration with the city must be done in person; however, yearly renewals can be done quickly online.

Learn more about pet licensing here!

It is highly recommended to supplement your pets' tags with a properly registered microchip.

On January 21, 2025, the City of Lethbridge council passed the new Animal Care and Control Bylaw 6475 which modernizes regulations for pet owners. The new law comes into force on May 1, 2025. To learn more about the new bylaw, click here.